Still stressing over content?

For most business owners, content is hard. You know it’s a necessity for business, but it’s that nagging task that never feels done and constantly drains you of your precious attention and time (not to mention sanity). Since 2007, I’ve helped small business owners get their content online and noticed.

What I’ve learned is that while many business owners don’t have a problem creating the content they need, what holds them back is knowing what the heck they actually need.

Here are some of the questions I get most often:

  • What am I supposed to blog about?
  • How often should I post on social media?
  • When do I send my nurturing emails?
  • Um…What is a nurturing email?
  • How do I connect with my audience through content (without being annoying)?
  • Is there a way to tie everything together, without being repetitive?

I have the answers to these questions—and all those other questions about content that nag at you when you’re trying to work. Through 1:1 content strategy or DIY programs, you can target the right people, at the right time, with the right content.

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